Thursday, April 23, 2009

Prompt: Regret

Ruthie Rues

I sang at Carnegie Hall
Sang in Operas
Entertained rich and low
But I haven’t done
Everything I wanted to do
I didn’t get it all done

We see 74 years of trouping
Judged less than enough
Because it didn’t have it all

I tell you one thing
Don’t marry a cross-dresser
Everybody thinks he’s
The nicest guy but when
You find him in your red
Negligee in the kitchen
It stops you in your tracks
This was after 5 years of
I had no idea

You stayed married for 13
More years, more painful
Meetings in the kitchen

Don’t ever let anyone
Run your life
You make your own
Decisions, your own
Mistakes because you
Can be proud of them all
If it’s what you wanted
Not them

She marshals the amateur
Singers into a group
Perfect 4 part harmony

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ruthie Rues has a nice ring to it...perhaps a title for a series of observations like a sophisticated comic strip.

This piece jumps about much like spoken conversations. You understand what the person is communicating, but the information is in pieces and you must merge them together to see a whole idea.