Saturday, April 18, 2009

Prompt: an interaction of some sort


The target is always pinned on the bales in front of the hazelnut tree
Douglas firs flank the sides and some days get more arrows than the bales
One afternoon upon the occasion of sinking an arrow so deeply into a Doug
That I had to empty my hands and use both of them to struggle
To pull the projectile out of the bole. I took a breath and put my finger on the scar
I saw I had wounded this magnificent presence in my yard
Wanted to apologize but instead thanked the tree for helping me learn to focus
But the moment seemed to call for more

Feeling foolish I wrapped my arms around the big pine
In denial that I was really seriously doing this I
Laid my cheek upon its rough bark while being thankful no one could see me
Banishing that thought as unfaithful I allowed myself to feel akin to this behemoth
This was a moment to be present for I felt the pulse of the tree

I held it closer vacillating between being aware that I was hugging a tree
Hearing my voice over the years making fun of people who would hug a tree and
Sensing the patient presence of the tree

Was it ten seconds, a minute or several hours that I held this giant?
When conscious of time I was uncomfortable with my position but
The sap pumping heart of the tree called me back to participate in our meeting
Where it accepted my thanks and did not judge me or its wound
In the unconscious time I was wholly one with the rhythm of life in me and the tree
When conscious of thoughts like that I rolled my eyes and chuckled but I did not
Loosen my hold or lift my head until I accepted that yes, I was hugging this tree

It was good and it was sacred and it was funny but it was me and the moment passed
I relaxed my arms and as they dropped to my sides I lifted my head from the bark
But the tree held my lip for a fraction of a moment with a bead of its sap
It gave me a kiss to remind me of what we had shared


Unknown said...

I don't want to be glib, I don't want to be heavy, I just want to take it in. I understand the vacillation. I understand the disappearance of time.

Sending a copy of this (along with link to blog)to Loretta and our writing friends that love trees :)

Bleep Baby said...

Please send it along. Much love to Loretta.