Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Russian Pole Vaulter

Stoli makes me think Russian and Russian makes me think of the goofy pole vaulting genius who took the gold in the Olympics. They did a feature on her since she's very colorful, eccentric and often sets world records. You must hear her talk about herself. She is so in love with herself that it's laughable. I mean laughable in a way that makes me look at my oh so not throwing my body 16' in the air while giggling kind of way and saying "Today I'm going to fall that in love with me."

I don't know her name but today, thanks to her lead, I'm that in love with me and I didn't have to break any world records or toss my body over a very high bar. I'm laughing all the way. If I have a moment when I forget what a delight I am I just have to see my dog looking at me. She adores me all the time. Then it's back on the track and 16' high.

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